2. Governance proposals and voting process
To ensure compliance with laws, no SIP can violate applicable regulations. The process has three phases. Phase 1 is the Temperature Check, which lasts for one week and involves discussing the SIP on a public forum and accompanying it with a Snapshot poll. An address that can vote for at least 0.01% of Votable Tokens must submit the poll. Phase 2 is the Formal SIP and call for voting, which takes three days. The proposer must have an address delegated at least 5,000,000 Votable Tokens. Each SIP must be labeled as Constitutional or non-Constitutional. A Constitutional SIP is one that modifies the text or procedures of the Constitution, installs or modifies software on any chain, takes any action that requires "chain owner" permission on any chain, or authorizes a new chain approved by the SuihubsDAO. A Non-Constitutional SIP requests funds/grants or proposes how to spend or allocate funds from the DAO Treasury held by The Suihubs Foundation, provides general guidelines or information to the community but does not propose a new feature or update. Each SIP must also specify which Governed Chain(s) it will affect. An AIP should include an abstract, motivation, rationale, key terms, specifications, steps to implement, timeline, and overall cost, and the author can add additional fields to any template. Phase 3 is where the DAO votes on the SIP, and it lasts for 14-16 days. The SIP passes if more Votable Tokens cast votes in favor than against and if the Thresholds are met. A Constitutional SIP requires at least 5% of all Votable Tokens to cast votes in favor, while a Non-Constitutional SIP requires at least 3%. If the SIP passes, it goes through Phases 4-7 if it is a Constitutional SIP, and it enters Phase 7 immediately if it is a Non-Constitutional SIP. If it fails, the process ends.
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